It's all about 'expectations'.

It's all about 'expectations'.

Q16. The venture will go nowhere if expectations are not successfully managed. The venture won’t go far if the new CCEs emerge as artificial assemblies of visionary voices rather than as competent coalitions of active ‘managers’. The ground rules on CCEs’ right to instigate, power to take forward, power to block and right of appeal need to be clear from the start.


Q16. The venture will go nowhere if expectations are not successfully managed. The venture won’t go far if the new CCEs emerge as artificial assemblies of visionary voices rather than as competent coalitions of active ‘managers’. The ground rules on CCEs’ right to instigate, power to take forward, power to block and right of appeal need to be clear from the start.

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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