Augmented Reality (AR) Interface for GPT Interaction

Augmented Reality (AR) Interface for GPT Interaction

This feature proposes the integration of an Augmented Reality (AR) interface with GPTs, allowing users to interact with the AI in a more immersive and interactive way. Using AR glasses or smartphone cameras, users could see and interact with virtual representations of the AI in their physical environment. This could include visualizing data, having conversational AI avatars, or manipulating digital objects in real-time, enhancing both the utility and engagement of GPT interactions.


There might be accessibility issues for users who do not have access to AR-capable devices or who find AR interfaces difficult to use.

Provides an engaging and intuitive way for users to interact with AI, potentially increasing its usability and appeal.

Opens up new possibilities for AI applications, especially in education, design, and entertainment, by blending the digital and physical worlds.

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