Take a Break

Take a Break

We want to provide well deserved breaks for the Young Carers we work with. Normal life for some of our young carers is helping feed, clothe and wash parents or siblings before their school day starts. We would like an opportunity to provide them with well deserved breaks away from their caring responsibilities, where they only need to focus on having fun and enjoying themselves. We will help provide support for families while the young carers are away to reduce anxieties for all concerned.


Excellent idea.

😎This is a great service that helps and supports young carers and their families.

Very much needed service for the young carers of Campbeltown

A break from caring reduces stress and anxiety, increases positive mental health, builds friendships and support reducing isolation and loneliness. There is a high percentage of young carers who do not go on to further education because of their caring responsibilities. We want to show support and work with young carers so they reach their full potential by helping them achieve goals. By identifying needs and required support, partner agencies can work with families to relieve pressure.

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