We would like to be able to improve our environment by painting the railings along the seafront, refurbishing the shelter walls at the Old Quay (we have already installed a new roof and flooring but it sadly needs repainting due to it's exposed position) and tidy up the Old Quay area and slipway near the Marina. We would like to add some catchy anti dog fouling signs! We hold an annual Gala and raise funds which go towards helping local activities - most recent being new Christmas Lights.
They do a great job keeping the Port looking great and also giving us the Gala day for all
We badly need to carry out these repairs and improvements to attract visitors to our Village, this will encourage businesses to set up, flourish and provide employment.
Port Bannatyne needs this grant to keep improving local facilities and to further enhance this pretty village. Thereβs a great sense of community here and that should be recognised and supported.
Great idea
They do a great job
The Port Gala is a seminal annual event on Bute. The Port needs a bit of TLC to improve the setting for the event, and this idea for improvement is very welcome.
Great idea.
Trying to preserve and enhance the area along with providing social oppotunities can only be a good thing. π
Wouldnβt it be great to paint the railings in nice bright colours? My childhood home π Best of Luck with the grant πππ
Suzi Jackson
Beautiful part of Bute, let's keep it that way
Much needed
This group have made such a difference to their village and need support to enhance it further.
The Port is very special and full of people who care deeply about improving and regenerating our village.. Support and show how much YOU care.
small communities matter. it matters to the locals and visitors alike that their surroundings are cared for, by making the best effort possible to enhance the village. π
As a visitor to Bute from Ireland I think this is a terrific incentive that I'm sure would be appreciated by all tourists along with the local community.
The gala group do great work and keep our community alive.
They do a great job!
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation