Tarbert Village Hall - Going Digital

Tarbert Village Hall - Going Digital

Tarbert Village Hall would like to modernise the way in which users can access the hall, making it more accessible through the development of a dedicated mobile responsive website with integrated online booking system. This way users can easily see when the hall is available to book and book directly. The system would also allow people to see what is happening in the hall if it is an open event that is listed, therefore also acting as advertising platform for community events.


Tarbert Village Hall is a community run resource well used by wide variety of groups in the village. Social Media pages recently set up have resulted in increased engagement and private messaging of enquiries, demonstrating a demand for online presence. An online booking system and viewable diary will make the hall much more open and accessible to many in the community, it would streamline the administrative tasks and create a more professional approach and experience for users.

Excellent community venue. This would be a further enhancement.

People who do not wish to or are unable to book online would still be able to contact a member of the committee in person, by phone or by email and we can check and take the booking for them. We are all about making the hall accessible for everyone!

Yes, as a hall user to be able to pop online and see when the hall is free - this would make booking and planning so much easier for me. Great idea!

It's the way to go. I fully support this initiative

The hall is a well used resource and it would be useful for people using and attending events to be able to easily see what is on.

This is a great idea and very helpful for those who use the hall but given Tarbert has so many venues avaialble for booking would it be possible to combine all the booking available into one site to include TALC, Bowling Club etc. This could benefit many of the other organisations that depend on venue hire and help to promote events throughout the whole village.

This is brilliant and adds a good level of sustainability to the Village Hall. Great idea and great to see a village hall that is moving with the times!!!

Great venue and being able to manage booking of classes at the hall online would be great.

I fully agree that going online is a great way forward for community halls - but will you stilll be able to be approached by people who are not online?

Having a single booking system for all the venues in the village would be great but I’m not sure how it would work in practice with the different activities the venues have and different management committees. It’s certainly something worth looking into.

great idea for this community resource to increase accessibility

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