Ostel Bay Project

Ostel Bay Project

We have one of the most beautiful beaches in Scotland on our doorstep, however there is not enough roadside parking spaces to allow more people to spend the day here. A local resident is willing to allow parking in the field adjacent. This would allow many more people to enjoy this lovely place giving our childen space to run, breath and build sandcastles. A visit to this beach is a tonic for many folks living in the city who visit our area, please support us by voting for our project.



yes. A few more car spaces would be great

If developed and managed properly thereafter, there is no reason why this shouldn't work in a sympathetic way to the wildlife and local environment. The proposals suggested for the development are considerate of these factors.

The grant will be used to prepare a grassy field for safe offroad parking for up to 10 cars. This will entail digging a new drainage ditch, clear blocked roadside ditches and rehinging a gate. Then the road will be clear for passing traffic.

Desperately needed. The road is nearly blocked with parked cars some days.


Ostel Bay has a lovely Sandy Beach,quite unique in these parts,so should be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike,and if someone has offered a field for a Car Park,it should be accepted,and money given to make it all possible. What a difference it would make.I am sure the Community would rally round to support this worthwhile project.

Badly needed.

The grant will be used to prepare a grassy field for safe offroad parking for up to 10 cars. This will entail digging a new drainage ditch, clear blocked roadside ditches and rehinging a gate. Then the road will be clear for passing traffic.

Absolutely don't want to encourage more 'wild campers'.The amount of detritus left at Ostel bay by these groups is appalling. The dunes surrounding ostel bay are an area of special scientific interest; limiting parking limits the numbers who can visit and thus leave an impact on the area. Ostel bay is special because it is relatively unspoiled. Leave it as it is.

What a beautiful location and an interesting project. Any thoughts on the type of surface for the car park and how to make it blend in with the environment? Would or could it be used for overnight stays e.g. campervans?

One of the most beautiful beaches in Britain! However it is always over run with cars on sunny days. Making it hazardous and dangerous to get past the single track road where they currently park just now. Surely a good quality car park would benefit the whole area, allowing more people to come and experience our beautiful coasts safely ❤

This would ease the parking on the roadside and make Ostel Bay so much more visitor friendly. Even if just a small area of extra parking was created it would encourage people to park safely and not block the road.

Wonderful idea in theory, but only in theory. The finance needed to convert a field into a car park would be colossal and I can't see how any kind of grant would be enough to cover the overall cost. So I believe this project is a non-starter before it gets off the blocks.

Please support this new idea to give visitors and children a great day out at Ostel Bay. This fabulous place is unpolluted, a great place to walk the dogs, children and fly kites. The beach is a place of special scientific interest with skylarks, stonechats, curlews, ducks and geese all resident and a great place for families to spend quality time. Sadly the lack of parking blocks the road, crushes water pipes and reduces the number of people wanting to visit the beach.

Absolutely positive idea by taking parked traffic off the small road. Road can be hectic due to no off road facilities.

Lots of visitors during summer months. Road is often blocked due to not enough parking.Often resulting in farm traffic and large vehicales not being able to pass. Road verges are torn up also.

Great idea and definitely needed.

The offer of a piece of land to be used as a small car park in this area has to be beneficial for the community. This particular stretch of road becomes nigh-on impassible during busier times. As there are no passing-places on this single-track road, parked cars necessitate careful negotiation with the potential of ending up in the adjacent ditch. This proposal offers an easy, potentially cost-effective solution which will befefit the emergency services, farmers, locals and visitors alike.

This is a fantastic idea, I think we have to accept that the area is much busier than it used to be now and there are many more cars parking along the road than a few years ago. The road can often end up blocked meaning emergency services can not get through to not only the houses beyond where people park, but also the beach. I have seen field parking for access to beaches and wild swimming spots working brilliantly elsewhere in the uk.

We'd like to use the funding to realign and clear out the water ditches roadside with a digger so that cars can park in a grassy field. No tarmac required. This is a quick win solution to allow more people to park safely to get to the beach without crushing water pipes or blocking the road. The field surface could not accommodate overnight campervans, but possibly tents.

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