A driver who is heading to a particular destination, on a digital screen (bought once the system is introduced) the driver puts down the location of where he is heading. People who are waiting for a bus, can get a lift from cars passing by which are heading to their desired destination. Payment are done using either cash or credit card. To tackle the legality issue negotiations with Autobuses de Leon' can be made and the system may become a 'branch' of the service provided by the company.
A problem regarding this proposal is the fact that it is illegal to give a ride to someone who is waiting for a bus. BUT if a percentage of the payment goes to 'Autobuses De Leon' it may become in a way 'a branch of the service provided by the company'. This way no laws are breached. Demand will be matched by supply, service will improve and drivers will get a reward (payment) for giving a lift. It is similar to 'Uber' but more flexible as it does not involve bookings.
I agree, Uber is definitely better but this may be the first step towards a more organised car pooling service in malta. I don't want this to conflict with taxi services. It is just a service similar to that provided by the malta public transport authorities which is now provided by cars instead of buses. No bookings, no apps - just a car instead of a bus.
I like the idea. But Uber is so much better or a Maltese version of it. It does minimise traffic but I think the taxi's will have something to say about this.
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