Eastbourne after COVID19: a Green & Fair Recovery?

Eastbourne after COVID19: a Green & Fair Recovery?

The coronavirus pandemic has reached Eastbourne. How can the town best deal with the challenges this crisis poses? How can the Eastbourne ECO Action Network best help in this crisis? What are the lessons we can learn from it? What kind of town does Eastbourne want to be after COVID-19?


Cellular Retrofitting

The Eastbourne Doughnut: a tool for transformative action

Businesses can trade by using mutual credit, saving cash

Eastbourne Digital Support Centre (DigiHub)

Public Art Based on Data

Build a Strong New Green Identity for Eastbourne

Mass switch to green energy provider

Lockdown Headsup on Rewilding

A Green 'think & do' space

Retraining for Digital Skills

Recovery Bond

Dynamic Models of Car Insurance

Subsidised online sales for the local businesses

Create cooperatives to share assets

Eastbourne Hotels Voucher

Reduction in air pollution

Learn lessons from COVID-19 that will inform climate actions

Money, Money, Money

Create open air pop-up restaurants and entertainment spaces

Start Up Fund for new businesses

Celebrate World Car Free Day every year

Garden farming

Develop a local action plan to deal with major events

Sustainable plastic free community

Create a major incident volunteer register

School bus service

Pedestrianising the Town centre

Active marine conservation zone

Green recovery



Actively support home or localised working

Mrs Rosemary Lester

'Stuff' library

computers in homes

Automatic Food Dispenser

community energy


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