Foreign Policy: End Imperialism & End Colonialism

Foreign Policy: End Imperialism & End Colonialism

We need a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights. We can not be the worlds police force. We should not be the worlds arms dealer. End the wars and drone strikes. Drastically cut military spending. Close the 700+ foreign military bases. End the war on terror.


International Cooperation to Prepare for Worldwide Threats

End NATO, Close Military Bases Abroad & End Empire

Demilitarize the USA - Demilitarize the Planet

Demilitarize Space - No Weapons in Space

End the War on Terror

No More Unilateral Sanctions

We Must Lead on Universal Nuclear Disarmament

Respect the United Nations Stop Spying & Manipulating the UN

No More Regime Change Operations

Switch Military Priorities to Service, Science & Technology

End Biological Warfare Testing Programs

Abolish the Military

$100 Billion on Poverty Eradication Worldwide

International Socialism will End Nationalism & Scarcity

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